If you want to convince people to do something, you must have a call to action button. This tool tells your audience what to do next and ideally leads them to make a purchase. But without a captivating CTA, potential leads won’t feel compelled to take action. Sales will go down and your business will lose revenue. So don’t waste any more time. Learn the best ways to upgrade your call to action button and increase your lead generation.

Create a Crystal Clear Message

If nothing else, your CTA button needs to be clear and direct. If your audience doesn’t understand what you want them to do, then they won’t do anything, and you will lose leads. Keep your call to action to the point and use strong action verbs like “Buy,” “Schedule,” or “Call.” This way, readers will know exactly what you want them to do and will feel motivated to do so.

Make Your Button Stand Out

If people can’t find your call to action button then they aren’t going to click on it. No matter what your button is asking your audience to do or where it is on your page, it needs to be easy to find. There are several ways to do this such as:

  • Make it big so it’s impossible to miss.
  • Use bold colors that go with your brand’s style guide.
  • Place it anywhere it makes sense, especially at the top and bottom of your pages.
  • Remove clutter and surround your button with white space to make it more visible.

The button needs to stand out so every reader can see it even if they’re just glancing over your content. This tool should stop readers in their tracks and compel them to click on it. If your CTA blends into the rest of the page, even if someone wanted to use your services, they wouldn’t be able to figure out how.

What’s in it for them?

Your call to action button will typically precede or follow supporting content. Whether that be a blog post, email copy, or a section on the homepage of your website, the content should work with your CTA to get people to take the next step. Use this copy to explain what will happen if your audience clicks the button. Will they make a purchase? Schedule a free consultation? Unlock a promo code? Whatever it is, make sure the benefits are crystal clear to your audience. People won’t click on your CTA button unless they know how it will help them.

Get People to Act Today!

You want your audience to act immediately, otherwise they might forget about your offer once they step away from the computer. We live in a world of digital distractions so any way you can keep your readers focused on your call to action is a must. The best way to do this is to use time sensitive words and phrases like “act now” or “call today.” If your call to action is about a sale or a promotion this can work especially well. Emphasize that your business’ offer won’t last forever and make sure your audience doesn’t want to miss out. Don’t risk losing potential leads, secure their business as quickly as possible by using this urgent language.

Test Out Your Buttons

Now that you know all the basics you may be tempted to slap one button together and post it on your website. This will not give you the increase in business you want. Getting the most out of your CTA requires creating multiple buttons. Be creative and try out different styles, layouts, and texts. Then conduct A/B testing to compare your buttons and see which ones are getting clicked on the most, driving engagement and conversions. From here you can use the specific CTA that does the best and gets you the most business.

Time to Create Compelling Calls to Action!

A strong call to action button is key for any business. It’s the final step to turning your audience into leads and getting them to engage with your products/services. But creating this compelling button requires more than just a direction telling people to “click here.” In addition to being short and to the point, your call to action needs to tell your readers what they will get by pressing the button and encourage them to act now. The button also needs to look professional and clickable so your audience notices and trusts it.

There are several strategies to keep in mind when crafting a CTA button, and that doesn’t even include testing out different options to see which one audiences use the most. Strategy can help walk you through this process from choosing the right words to A/B testing finished buttons. Schedule a free consultation today and get the best call to action button for your company.


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